Best SMS Campaigns for DTC Brands

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DTC brands can use SMS campaigns as an effective way to entice and inform customers, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

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DTC brands can use SMS campaigns as an effective way to entice and inform customers, drive traffic, and increase conversions.

While SMS marketing is far from a new channel, many direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands are just beginning to embrace this channel and putting it at the center of their marketing strategy, and for good reason. SMS messages have an open rate of 98%, compared to its top competitor, email marketing, which has an open rate of 22%. Considering email has long been the gold standard for high-converting brand communication, this is a huge change for the world of digital marketing, and one worth talking about. In this blog, we’ll cover the best SMS marketing campaigns for DTC brands. Let’s start with a quick refresh of what SMS marketing is.  

What is SMS marketing? 

SMS stands for short messaging service, and in the world of marketing, SMS refers to sending text message campaigns, promotions, news, updates, etc. to customers who have opted in to receive communications from your brand. It’s kind of like the email marketing of the 21st century, but with better open rates, clickthrough rates, and conversions. Want to learn more about SMS marketing and its benefits? We’ve written a detailed blog on this topic. Now let’s explore some of the types of SMS marketing campaigns DTC brands are using. 

Types of SMS Marketing Campaigns 

Overall, the types of SMS campaigns we see brands utilizing are no different from email campaigns, just a different medium. The goal is to entice and inform customers, drive traffic, and increase conversions. Here are a few examples of types of SMS campaigns brands use to engage their audience and increase sales.  

Product Launches 

We’re all familiar with product launches! SMS is a great way for brands to get the word out about new products using a platform that boasts an incredible open rate. Whether it’s a DTC brand promoting a new product or a service-based brand introducing new software or technology, modern brands and embracing SMS marketing as the go-to for these types of communications.  

Sales & Promotions 

Similar to product launches, sales and promotional campaigns are something we’re all used to seeing in the DTC ecosystem. Brands understand that pushing these messages encourages customers to make a purchase, especially if they’ve had their eye on something, but were waiting on a better deal before making the purchase. This text could be the final push they need to make the conversion. 

Exclusive Offers 

Exclusive offers are something we’ve seen skyrocket in the last couple of years, especially since the introduction of SMS marketing. Offering customers who subscribe to your SMS list early access to sales and limited edition products is an incredible way not only to incentivize consumers to subscribe to receive brand communications but also to make repeat conversions much more probable likely. Also, most SMS marketing platforms offer advanced audience targeting and triggers, which lets you target a specific group and send an even more personalized offer. 

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of different types of marketing campaigns and promotional tactics brands can use to help optimize their marketing efforts and increase sales. While marketing campaigns are a huge part of the conversation, we can’t talk about SMS marketing without mentioning automation flow. In part two of this blog, (coming soon!) we’ll talk about SMS automation flows, go over some of the basic flows brands set up to help increase sales, and talk briefly about some of the benefits of each of these flows. Ready to tackle SMS marketing? BuzzShift has all the tools and know-how to help your brand crush your marketing goals. Let’s connect! 


About BuzzShift  

BuzzShift is a digital growth strategy agency with a focus on mid-market, scaling DTC Brands. By combining the ideologies of branding, performance marketing, and retention agency, we can create memorable experiences with measurable results and build long-term success for our clients with scalable, sustainable growth. Learn more about BuzzShift. 

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